6318/2TDHHP ebmpapst Axial Compact Fan for Small household appliances
Category:Axial fans
- Specification
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- Application
ebmpapst Axial Compact Fan | model:6318/2TDHHP
ebmpapst——6318/2TDHHP——Technical description:
Axial compact fans are suitable for high air performance with moderate pressure build-up. The flow of air through the fan blades is parallel to the rotation axis. ebm-papst offers a wide selection of AC and DC compact fans - from 25 to 280 mm - which are extremely flat, thanks to the space-saving integrated motor.
ebmpapst ——6318/2TDHHP——Structural drawing:
Ebm fan is widely used,whether it is automobile, railway, electronic products, medical treatment, or household, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration system, EBM fans are everywhere. As an authorized agent of ebm,henry is familiar with fan technology. We only provide new and authentic fans for our customers, and strive to set a model for the global fan industry.
Henry also offers other ebmpapst fans,the models are as follows
6314N/2 HHP
6314N/2 TDHHP
6318 /2 TDH4P
6318 /2 TDHHP
6318 /2 TDHP
6318 /2HP
6318 /2TDH4P-007
6318 /2TDHP-299
6318N/2 H3P
6318N/2 TDH3P
632 /2HPU
632 NU
634 HHU
Because our company sells more models of fans, please contact customer service for other fans.